Monday, December 26, 2016

Maranatha Children's preschool - Haiti trip 3

Besides delivering Christmas Shoeboxes to the children at Maranatha Children's ministry, we spent time with the children at the preschool, helping with singing time, crafts, recreation.

The children loved to play with our hair and often tried to braid them.

Often we'd have 3 or 4 children compete for lap space!  They were all so very loving and wanted to be held.

Playdough time

These cans contained the powdered milk that the children drink.  They are re-used to make forts, walls, towers and whatever.

One day this little girl was in a funk.  Pouty.  I held out my arms and she fell into them and sobbed.  I held her for some time until a teacher came to get her.  It just melted my heart.  I don't know her situation, but the Lord does.
My little Sophie, one of the girls we brought a Christmas shoebox and uniform for.

 And then it is time to knock the walls down!!  BANG, CRASH!

When it is time to go to the next class, the children line up and hold onto eachother's shoulders.


I can't speak Creole, but I could point to each of the animals and make animal sounds.  The worker who also spoke English told me that the animal sounds were similar.  I wondered because Japanese animals make different sounds:  sheep - may may, Pig - bu bu, Dog - wan, wan.

The children loved having me point to the animals.  
And Baby Jesus said "Wah, wah" 
Mother Mary said "It's ok.  It's ok" as she rocked Him.

The kids made wreaths.

 Some painted their faces instead of the wreath!
And got sprinkles on their faces and clothes too! 

I often helped fix lunch in the kitchen.

 We couldn't speak eachother's languages but she would show me actions of what to do and I tried to follow.  I may have been more a hindurance than a help sometimes!

Older school kids

Nap time for the littles

What a week loving on these little ones!

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