Sunday, September 23, 2018

A birthday celebration at "the barn"

September seems to be a big month for our family for birthdays.  Our son's birthday, Al's Dad's birthday (he would have been 95), my youngest brother, my nephew, Al's nephew, Allen and also his youngest brother all have September birthdays!

 Al's siblings and us decided to get together to have a little family celebration at The Barn in Burrton.  We had heard good things about it!

I made a card for Sid.

The portions were HUGE!!!
Allen and I decided to share a plate.
It was as good as we had heard!

After we had eaten, some of the workers came by and rang a big cow bell and sang happy birthday to both Sid and Al.  And then gave them a free pie! 

They both chose the peanut butter pie!

We stayed until closing catching up on our kids' lives, talking politics, laughing and sharing concerns and also talking about the Lord.  He is sovereign and in control, even when things seem to be out of control! 

Isaiah 46:3-4 

 Listen to Me, 
   you whom I have upheld
          since you were conceived
      and have carried since your birth.

Even to your old age and grey hairs

    I am He, I am He who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you;
    I will sustain you and I will rescue you.
What a very precious and dear family!  I am sure the staff were ready for us to go on home so they could clean our table!  But really, they were so very nice and sweet and made us want to go back some day once again!

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