Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Kansas "mountains"

We drove to Arkansas last weekend.  We were going to take the pickup and do some off main road adventuring.  But it rained buckets and Al wasn't too keen on going on dirt (mud) roads!

 But as we came upon Fredonia, I said, "I've always wanted to check out those 'mountains'!"

So we drove into Fredonia.
 We looked up the hills on Maps.  We could see that the larger hill (to the left) didn't have any roads on the hill itself, but the smaller one did.

Driving by the larger hill was not impressive from the road.

 We turned around here.
 Drove back into town.
 Drove by a livestock auction place...

 ...that was situated right beside a veterinary clinic.  We found that ironic.

 Eat beef.....or zebra?
 There are some charming homes.
 Tree fairy?
 We took a wrong turn

 I'd like to know the story behind this house.
 Going up hill #2.
 At the top is a little park.  Flag at half-staff.  The Governor ordered flags in Kansas at half staff in memory of Officer Kunze who lost his life in the line of duty.
 We climbed a lookout tower.  We could see Highway 400 that we come in to town on.

 Highway 400 going toward Joplin
 The gas station we usually stop at (using zoom.  From the lookout tower, it is much further away)

A little trail.  
 I told Al I'd meet him at the bottom of the trail.

 Another charming house
 The road that goes to the round-a-bout and the gas station.
 Cool pickup!
 Hope he's not planning to drive the highway with the doggie in the back!

 "In God we Trust" or at least we should.  Yes, I agree.  Trusting Him is not always easy but it is best to know He knows and cares for us!

On the road to Joplin.  We usually take the road to Webb City but decided last minute to go south at Pittsburg to I-44....
.... so we could stop at Starbucks!
 It began to rain in earnest and continued all the way to the kids' house!

I know some laugh at our Kansas "mountains" or "hills".  We do have lots of hilly places, even though people think of Kansas as flat.  This morning I was reading Isaiah 40 where God speaks about mountains and hills.

Who else has held the oceans in his hand?
    Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers?
Who else knows the weight of the earth
    or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale?
13 Who is able to advise the Spirit of the Lord?
    Who knows enough to give Him advice or teach Him?
14 Has the Lord ever needed anyone’s advice?
    Does He need instruction about what is good?
Did someone teach Him what is right
    or show Him the path of justice?

Sometime, read the whole chapter.  I LOVE it!  I have especially loved verse 11 and was a verse I held onto when my children were small.  Speaking of children....that's where we were headed to see!

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