Saturday, July 4, 2020

Between visits

After the kids left, there was so much to do.  LOADS of laundry - sheets, towels...  Our Japanese college student, Kaho had graduated and moved out so we decided to rearrange furniture.
We needed to make a trip to the thrift store.  I had lots of things to get rid of.  I heard that many people were going through their things during their pandemic stay-at-home time.  That included me.  Al talked me into making the decision to finally give up my daddy's desk.

With Kaho gone, we decided it was time to get rid of it.  We really didn't need it.

Can I tell you that I cried?  I spent so much time with dad at that desk, helping him with the computer in those last years.  And Allen too.

 It was fun to rearrange the rooms though.

This quilt on the end of the bed was one my mother made with her sister when she was 12.  I think Grandma Geiger did the quilting part but Aunt Treva and mom did the embroidery.

 Now I'm painting a couple of rooms too.

With the Covid crisis, we had not met for Bible study for such a long time!  Since March.  It was time to see each other once again!  Jan invited those who felt comfortable to meet for a brunch, devotional and to share prayer requests with one another.  While still "social distancing".

My friend Marilyn and her husband were getting ready to move to their basement as their kids would move in with them.  This is common among the Amish.  The parents move to the "dawdy haus" or grandpa's house as it is called in Pennsylvania Dutch.   Many people tend to go to assisted living and then to the nursing home, don't they?  I wonder what our future will be?  

A couple of us went to help Marilyn with cleaning and taking things to their new "abode".  It really is NICE!  Dave even built in an IKEA kitchen!   

We had lunch together.

Best wishes, Dave and Marilyn!
How sweet to have the pitter patter of little feet so close by!

Al borrowed a sprayer from a co-worker and cleaned our deck.  He was so amazed with it that the kids bought him one for Father's Day!  Thanks, kids!!

Meanwhile, our son-in-law in San Francisco continued to work on-line or by phone.  Being in the banking world, he is putting in MANY hours!  Originally they had planned to come to Kansas the same time as the other kids, but it didn't work out that week.  We were looking forward to them coming though!

Our daughter-in-law, a nurse practitioner, in Covid dress-up

Since pools are closed, our Wisconsin kids got themselves a pool.  It needed to be small enough that it could sit on the cement and not kill the grass.

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