Tuesday, July 7, 2020

In the meantime...

June found us taking walks around the lake.  

Kansas wheat fields!

We enjoyed biking too.

As we biked past Dave and Marilyn's one day, they invited us to visit on their back porch.  Dear friends!

 They were enjoying a visit from their orioles, as are we.  Ours are visiting the hummingbird feeder as well as their own!  The sugar/water ratio is different, but they seem to like both!

A squirrel broke this feeder, so I'll need to get a new one for next season.  It is taped and Al made it do for now.

 The orioles aren't the only ones who love oranges and grape jelly!

We have so many barn swallows this year!  I think Al counted 6 nests x 3-4 babies apiece....  Will they all return next year??  Will we have 30 nests???

We continued to watch some services on-line.

 Our church went back to meeting on location.
June found us a little sad as we had to cancel a trip.  We had tickets to go to Japan.  We were going to take 2 of our grandchildren and show them where I grew up.  The photo below is down the road and around the bend from my "home".   I do not like the disruption that Covid-19 has made into our lives.  Will it ever be the same?

Jill sent this picture of my granddaughter chilling out in the pool, finishing up her schooling, putting in some reading time.  Wisconsin lets out in June; later than in Kansas.

My Bible study group began to meet together in person again.

 The Kansas heat arrived along with the spring rains.  We needed to water our "baby" trees around the lake.

 The trees are growing!  It won't be long that this one will be taller than me!

I began to take up sorting my photos once again.  It is a HUGE undertaking!  But what a joy to look at old photos!

This is our school field trip to a shoyu (soy sauce) factory.  I still remember the smell of the place!  I'm the brown haired girl with the plaid skirt in the front row.

We need to find joy in the little things.  It can be so easy to become a negative ninny.    I was reading Chuck Swindoll and he says "Nobody wants to be around an old crotchety person."  He encouraged us to see the sunny side up.

"Tell great stories!  Quit addressing all the aches and pains."  I would add "quit addressing all the difficulty of this time."  Preaching to myself here.  It is not easy to not grumble!!


"Encourage people!
   Pray for others!
       Seek Him above all.
Be satisfied, fulfilled and challenged."

Don't be a worry-wart.  "Cast ALL your cares on Him, for He cares for you!"  One version says "You are His personal concern."  1 Peter 5:7
         Be kind.  

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