Friday, July 10, 2020

Mindy's come!

What a joy to wrap my arms around my daughter again!  They drove all the way from California!

 While driving on 70 in western Kansas, they went through a huge storm.  They saw semi's over-turned from the high winds.

* * *

It reminded me of what I heard from David Jeremiah on the radio.  "Though I walk in the midst of trouble..."  "In the midst" - it is there He perfects us.  Not on a bed of ease.  We don't get to volunteer for what sufferings we go through.

"With Your right hand, You save me."  Ps. 138:7
Being in the hands of the Lord -- the hands that created the universe.   Those nail-scarred hands that hung upon the cross, that paid for my redemption.  Those hands that will one day welcome us to glory - those are the hands we are in.  Wouldn't you rather be in those hands than anywhere else?  Whatever we are facing, challenges you are facing, grab hold of His hands and let Him take care of you.

Special Father's Day "gift" to see our daughter!

Al was raised on a wheat farm and did custom harvesting for several years so wheat is in his blood!  I know he misses being on the combine so this is what he does every year; he picks wheat to put in a vase.

 They gave me an early birthday gift.  A 3000 piece puzzle!!

We worked on it every day.  

We took the  1954 Chevy Belair on a Sonic run.

Jason worked on-line with his bank each day, but Al found the opportunity to put him to work for him too.

We girls gave oversight.

There were a couple of dead trees that we volunteered to cut down for the neighborhood and Al got Jason and Mindy to help.

Al roped Mindy into giving him a haircut.

We ate well.

Tried out a new restaurant.

Mindy and I went on a drive to reminisce growing up days.

What a wonderful week we had.

We ALMOST completed the puzzle. 
 There was still a little to do after they left.
What a good feeling to accomplish it!!

We found one piece that fit all right, but we could tell did not match the surrounding picture.  But we were not going to look for where it really belonged!!  This was a HARD puzzle!!  I figured it would take till Christmas to finish it!   But with Mindy and Jason's diligence and perseverance, we were able to do this in 1 week!!
In John 17:4, Christ said "I have brought You glory on earth by completing the work You gave me to do."  His "work" was to die and reconcile us to God.

God has work for each of us too.  One day, my work will be completed, just like we finished the puzzle.  He will call me Home one day to be with Him.  One day He will call your name.  Will you be ready?

“Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.” 
                                             Romans 10:13  


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