Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Besides travelling....

My recent posts have been about our travels.  With our children all living out of state, it is true that we do travel a lot!  But besides travelling, we do have a life here in Kansas!

What occupies my time?  I love to watch sunrises and sunsets!

"From the rising of the sun, to its going down, the Lord's Name is to be praised."  Psalm 113:3

We've enjoyed walking around the lake.

I've enjoyed taking care of my flower garden.

"You created all things - the plants dance for joy!"

"For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth...All things were created through Him and for Him."  Colossians 1:16

I went on a garden tour one Saturday in town to get more ideas.

I've been "birding" again.  I had not been for awhile.  It is held the first Saturday of the month.

An indigo bunting!

A Mississippi kite

I daily feed my birds.  My daugher Mindy says I have a bird sanctuary.

This "bird" has a bushy tail!

We've gone to Prairie Pines in Wichita for concerts.  I love chamber music!

We've gone out "dragging Main", stopping at Sonic and visiting relation.

Unfortunately, there have been several funerals of people we know, so I have attended those.  One was of our neighbor who passed away. 

Our "Community Life Group" has gotten together.  What a treasure are dear brothers and sisters in Christ who laugh, cry and pray together!

My friends and I have continued to get together to sew for Dress A Girl Around the World.  Sew one week and meet for coffee the next.  In the Fall, we will begin a Bible study on Elijah!

We had a Zoom Prayer meeting with sweet Kaho in Japan.  

I've started sorting through photos.  What a project!!  But such memories! 

These are from our trip to Kenya and Zaire (now Congo).

I was not a good mom who put albums together for each of her children.  Now I've got to sort things out so they don't have to someday when I'm gone.

I celebrated my birthday with some of our family members who could come!  Good Mennonite cooking!

We celebrated our nation's 245th birthday.

Our freedoms which we can't take for granted.

I talk with each my kids often.   Being silly with Jill.
So thankful for Facetime and phone conversations that keep us in touch!

I get sweet pictures of our newest grandbaby to drool over!  Oh my heart!!

So you can see that I have kept busy besides travelling.  The most important thing I do each day is spend time with Jesus!  I am reading in the Gospels right now along with reading these 2 devotionals.  He gives me strength for each day and direction and guidance.  Wisdom in how to live.  What would I do without Jesus?  What a dear Friend, Shepherd and loving Heavenly Father!!

I've also begun preparing for my young mom's Bible study this coming Fall. I am excited to do this study!

    "The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me;
      Your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever."
                                                  Psalm 138:8

One day my life will be finished.  My purpose will be done.  Recently I have heard people remark "What a tragedy that they have passed."   I don't want anyone saying that when I die because death is not the end!  It is only the beginning.  A WONDERFUL beginning.  With Christ, which is far better!   Hopefully, sure, some will miss me, but it will not be tragic.  It will be TREMENDOUS! (my mother's favorite word!)

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