Sunday, July 11, 2021


We've had our fair share of rain; unusual for this time of year.  Lots of rain!

My heart sunk when I went to my storage room one day and found water soaking up boxes on a shelf.  I took this picture after I had removed several boxes and scrap books, including my wedding book.  It is nothing compared to a friend of mine who lost all she had in a flood.  She almost lost her life!!  I can't even imagine what she went through!  It could have been so much worse!

The seal around the window frame in the study above had pulled away, allowing water to run down the wall into the basement storage room.  It didn't really get on the floor much, but the boxes that were pushed up against the wall were soaking wet!

Some of my scrapbooks were ruined.  I was able to dry out some things.  Here is a clipping of Allen, who was my highschool sweetheart, my heart throb! (and now my husband), who made the paper.  He was a good basetball player!

A scrapbook full of shower and wedding cards was wet.  I dried out some of them to keep.  They were just special to  me.

A telegram from the Aburatsu Christian Church 
in Japan congratulating us.

A note from a Japanese lady

Cards in German (our ancestry, many of the people in our church in Pretty Prairie still speak German) and also Japanese (my birth country)


One of my saddest losses was an old prayer journal.  
All those prayer requests and so many answers to prayer! 
 Soggy notes with many of the words smeared.
But God knows each prayer I prayed.  I really do love to look back to see the many ways He answered prayers; some in such a different, unexpected way!

A scrapbook belonging to Allen's mother had gotten wet on the outside, but I was so happy that the photos and cards were not damaged!  I had to remove them from the scrapbook and actually, it was fun going through all of them!

Mom is the 3rd one from the left.  What a precious photo!  I didn't know everyone so I put the photo on FB and some people from Pretty Prairie helped identify  them!

Allen's parents

A page from one of my journals that was still legible. 

I  sent this to Jill and she read it to Hannah.  If you can't read it, it reads "Hannah called me.  'Nana, can you come to my house and get me and bring me to your house?'  I'm still in jammies and having devotions so I told her I need to get ready for my day first.  I'll take her with me to go get mulch."  

After Jill read this to her, Hannah said "Oh yes!  I remember that!  It's actually a core memory of mine."  She said she remembered I had to explain to her what a nursery was and that she helped me find mulch and spread it.  "To this day mulch is a favorite smell of mine!" she said.  This happened when Hannah was 4 years old!  What a memory she has!

Al resealed the window.

It rained again after this.

We had a "hurricane" a couple of weeks ago!

"He displays His power in the whirlwind and the storm."
Nahum 1:3

Several people in town lost big trees.  Our neighbor had a tree cut in half.

We had a few limbs that needed to be cut down.

Our creek behind the house was flowing pretty hard.

Things are quieter now.

And such a blessing that Al's seal job worked - no water in the basement!

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