Monday, September 27, 2021

Signs of seasons

The past couple of days, here in Kansas it has been in the 90's.  Feels like summer again even if it IS officially fall.  We had a touch of fall earlier and had opened windows and worn sweaters.  I almost put away my summer sleeveless clothes. 

 Last weekend we not only got to enjoy fall, but a touch of winter too!!  

Mindy called to say they got a 2 bedroom Airbnb in Vail - would we want to join them?  Oh yes, we would!!  Luckily, Al was able to get off work.  Off we took!

Eastern Colorado, where the deer and the antelope play.  Wait a minute!  That cowboy song is the Kansas state song!

We were hungry by the time we got to Limon so we pulled off to grab a bite to eat.  There were not enough workers so no inside dining.  (People need to get back to work!)  

Instead of driving through the drive-through, we walked through.

It was a little brisk, so we pulled our seats into the sunshine.

We arrived in Denver before Tenley's bedtime.

She's really checking Papa out!

She laughs one minute and then looks at us like she is studying us.
Who are those people anyway??

The next day, we headed for Vail.  We had to take 2 vehicles.  

1.  Because their car is not big enough.  We are telling them that they are a family now and it is time to buy a van!

2.  Because we were going to go home a different route.

Fall colors starting to show!

The place in Vail was not quite ready for us so we continued past Vail to Highway 24 and turned south to the little quaint town of Minturn.

After lunch, we walked around town.  I was rather shocked to see Allen go into an antique shop!  Quite frankly, I rarely go myself these days.  The prospect of clearing out my house looms in the future and we really don't have need of anything to buy.  I used to LOVE shopping at these places!

After cleaning out my parents' place (and she had pared down a lot!!), I just realize I don't need to buy any more.  But it IS fun to look!!  

It is a little surprising what is considered an antique though.  Stuff I had, and not so long ago...what are they saying?  Is this old lady - ME - an antique??

We continued south on 24.    Here is an old mining "town".

Such breathtaking views!  Pictures don't do justice.

Pine beetles are killing many trees.  So sad.

The aspens were just coming into "color".  A sign that winter is around the bend.  There are many signs now too, that "winter" is coming on earth.  So many signs in the Bible are being fulfilled just in the past years and we know that Jesus is coming for us soon!  His coming is imminent!   We don't know just when, but there are signs!!  We see that day approaching!  

I gave my camera to Mindy and told her to take a picture of us going across the bridge.  She took a few more pictures.

Silly girl!  (I get to put it on the blog!!)

You can barely see our car as it goes across.

As we wait His coming, what are we called to do?  We are to be light.  The mission has not changed for believers.  We are to be about His work.  "To do good to all, especially to the household of faith." Galatians 6:10.  We need to encourage one another, especially in these fearful and trying days.  And we need to warn those who do not know Christ.  Be ready!  Listen for the sound of the trumpet call!  Don't be left behind!

"For the LORD Himself will come down from heaven,
with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel
and with the trumpet call of God..."
1 Thessalonians 4:16

Dark was the night - sin warred against us!
Heavy the load of sorrow we bore;
But now we see signs of His coming
Our hearts glow within us, joy's cup runneth o'er!
He is coming again
He is coming again
The very same Jesus rejected of men;
He is coming again
He is coming again
With pow'r and great glory,
He is coming again!

I'd not heard that hymn before, but one I do know is:

Coming again, coming again,
maybe morning, maybe noon,
maybe evening and maybe soon!
Coming again, coming again
O what a wonderful day it will be -
Jesus is coming again!

Looks like the 70's will be coming back later this week.  
I will put away my summer clothes
 and bring down sweaters and fall clothes. 
I will be prepared.

"Fall", then "winter."
Are you ready?

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