Saturday, May 27, 2023

Our host home in Romania

Allen and I stayed with these very sweet and kind ladies for 4 nights.  The mother, Helena and her daughter, Lavinia.  Helena hugged me so much and said she feels like she's known us forever!  We are sisters-in-Christ!  

We told her that between Allen and I, we had 3 aunts named Helen!  My Dad's sister, Allen's mom's sister, and his dad's sister.

Helena raised her 12 children in their communist era 3 bedroom apartment.

She loved showing us her family and pointing to each one.  One child is not in this picture as she in the States, married to a guy in the military.  Helena is now a widow.

Helena could not speak English.  Maybe a couple of words.  But Lavinia would tell us what she was saying.  She told us a little about what it was like under Communism.  Everyone had rationed food.  But because they had so many in their family and they each got rations, when the father would come home from the store, it looked like he was Santa with the big bag he carried.

The bedroom we stayed in

The view from our bedroom.
I enjoyed the birds!

This verse was on the wall.

"For I am the Lord your God
    who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
    I will help you."

Each morning, they had a delicious breakfast set out for us!!  
So MUCH food!  "Eat! eat!" we were told.

And some delectable coffee cakes.

Such good coffee each morning!  Lavinia lived in Italy for 19 years and she used this pot (stove top perculator) to make the BEST coffee!  She even gave me a 1-cup one to bring home with me!

When we were done eating, she would fold up the table and it would become a cabinet under the window.

Here is the room we took showers in.  No shower curtain, but we managed to squat and try to keep the water from getting the floor wet.  This was also the laundry room (no dryer) and the toilet was in a separate room.  That's how it is in Japan too.  I found several similarities in this culture as in Japan.

Here is the kitchen where the food was prepared.
There is also a table in here to sit at and eat.  Lavinia explaining the water system to Allen.

Lavinia sells this Japanese water purifier.  You can see it in the bathroom for the shower and they use it in the kitchen also.  Everyother place we had bottled water.

Leaving the apartment each day.  Helena leaves each morning and walks several blocks to pick up her grandson at school.

We were able to meet Lavinia's fiance.
They would be "announced" at church that Sunday.

What a delightful family who love the Lord and have the gift of hospitality.  They host many people who come to the church.  "Always available!" Helena says.

1 Peter 4:9 says
"Be hospitable to one another without grumbling.
Another version puts it this way:
"Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay."
House slippers - another similarity with the Japanese!

Thank you so much for your kindness to us!  The others from our team were spread out in 3 other homes.

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