Monday, May 29, 2023

The clinic, refugee school and center

Our first day there, we met up with the others at church and we were taken to a medical clinic.  We met Drs Anca and Liviu Profir, who attend Emanuel Church, and David from Asbury, KY originally, who is with Word Made Flesh and on the board of the clinic.  (There is a couple from Adam's church who is also on the board.)   David is married to a Romanian woman (they met in Omaha!)  and they live in Galati.  He was interested to hear we were from Kansas.  He told us that he has relatives in Wichita, close to us!

They told us the clinic started in 1999 with a big dream and no money.  They began treating kids on the street.  And they treat homeless also.

This is the lobby.

Dr. Anca and Allen discussing how the clinci operates.  Under socialized medicine, the government reimburses them for 20 patients per day, but they see 50-60 "in Jesus' name".

This is a 1961 bed, not the electronic kind.  Which is good when the electricity isn't working.

Break room.

Dr. Liviu has a modern ultrasound machine.  He is able to detect cancers with it.  I wish we would do mammograms with this like he does, rather than the way we do it!  I wanted to sign up!

He specializes in care of pregnant women.  He showed us a picture of a baby in 4D.  How very sweet!  

Emmanuel Church has processed and helped over 4,000 Ukranian refugees.  They began a school for the children.  Some of the refugees were teachers and now teach here.  We went to visit it.

Recess time

We don't speak Ukranian, so we would ask questions in English.  One translator who spoke English/Romanian would translate it to this girl who speaks Romanian/Ukranian who then asks the teacher who is Ukranian.  The teacher would respond in Ukranian and it would go through those 2 translators back to us.

I loved this first grade class!  They counted to 20 in Ukranian, Romanian and even in English!  Then I said it in another language - Japanese!

Many of the children were back at the refugee center as the flu was going around.  This was grammar class.

They have a guy who comes to do crafts with the kids.  Since their daddies and older brothers aren't around, he is a male role model for them.

The older kids take Ukranian classes on-line.  Even if power is out, they come to school just to be together.  We asked them if there were any girls.  There are 4.  "They're lazy and didn't come" they joked.  Actually, some of the kids go back to Ukraine over the weekends to see family, leaving on Friday.  

Many of the refugees who arrived in Galati from Ukraine were welcomed by the church.  They came 2 days after the war began!  Some continued their journey to other places after spending a few nights here.  They might have friends or relatives in other towns or other countries.  For those who wanted to go to other cities/places (Germany, Spain), they would drive them there.  For those who have no place to go, they were welcome to stay here.  At first, they were housed at the church that had just been built with help from churches in America.  Wall to wall beds.  

Later, they were able to get into a building down the street that used to be a supermarket and turn it into a refugee center. We walked there after visiting the school.

They told us that it took a lot of work to move all the beds and supplies from the church down the street to this new place.  It took 4 days to do it!  

There is a park right by the center where the moms with young children can go.  Or older ones too, to enjoy the sunshine.

Claudia tells us about the refugees.  One thing I heard often was "we are family".  They have come to love each person they care for.  They have lots of help for the people including psychological help for the anxieties, depression, fear that they have experienced.

Lunch is being fixed.  The refugees all do their share, taking turns cooking, cleaning, etc.   

Lunch and hang out room

One of the women's rooms.  One of the ladies had given her life to Christ 2 days before!  I know Christ will be her comfort, as He promises.  They hope to return to Ukraine one day.  In the meantime, most of their husbands or sons are fighting for their freedoms.

The teen boys' room.  Being in Romania keeps them safe.  One boy had gone back over a weekend and he got an "invitation to war" on his phone to sign up with the army.  He quickly came back to Romania.

Rooms for families

There is even a work-out gym.

Toys for the kids to play with.

Medical supplies

Supply room and laundry room

As Claudia told us some stories, I was just moved to tears.  They live on faith.  "God will provide" they kept saying.  We have no idea what it would be like to be torn away from our husbands, sons, our homes.  One girl gave birth 2 days after arriving!

Back at the church, we had a Romanian lunch with the leadership.

After lunch, some of us took naps.  Allen talked with some of the leaders about church leadership and the girls went with Ruxi and Killyn to a mall to shop!

Please pray for the refugees, their families, the workers at the refugee center, Emanuel church and the clinic.

"I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people - "  1 Timothy 2:1

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