Monday, September 25, 2023

Birthday pie

In the last 2 weeks we were so blessed to have been able to see all our kids and grandchildren (except Hannah who was at college, but we did Facetime her!) - and they live in 3 different states!  Not complaining!  My mom's parents had their kids/grandchildren in 4 different countries!  Many of my friends have grandkids in their own towns but God has seen that we live here and there.

"From one man He made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from any one of us."    Acts 17:26-27

We first drove to Arkansas on a Wednesday.  We had to take a detour on 400 due to construction and we slipped through the small village of  Weir.  We had never been through there before.  What a cute old gas station!

We timed it so that on the way to Josh's, we could stop to pick Emeri up from school.

She had placed highest on her bio test that day and was so happy!  We all were so proud of her too!

You know we are in Arkansas when we see these signs.  

Our grandson is growing sooooo much!

He had built himself a go-cart.

 Of course Papa took a ride.

He had also purchased a frame for a motor bike
 and he plans to make it an electric bike.

And Emeri has a new to her car!!

We continue to ask prayers for our daughter-in-law, Staci, who has had an unknown illness with many limitations on her body for almost 5 months now.  She has had numerous neurological tests to find out the cause and prognosis of this muscle weakness and brain injury.  Still a mystery.

We were invited next door to her parents house for dinner.   We stay at their house for nights when we go too.  We love this couple!  Wonderful when grandparents share the same values. 

Dan was fixing filet mignon and salmon!  Oh yum!

It was our son's birthday and Emeri had made the peanut butter pie that he asks for every year!

I made it up when he was in highschool, combining a couple of recipes.  
Here is my recipe for it:

Reece's Pie  (this makes 2 pies)
1.  Mix 3.9 chocolate pudding using the pie filling instructions.  You could also use a larger box if you want more chocolate pudding at the bottom of the pie.
2.  Spread on the bottom of 2 graham cracker pie shells (you could also use chocolate graham cracker crusts or regular pie shells instead)
3.  Next layer:
    1 8 oz package cream cheese, softened
    1 cup peanut butter (could be creamy or crunchy, your preference)
    1 cup sugar
    1 tablespoon butter, softened
    1 teaspoon vanilla
Mix all together.  Set aside.
4.  Fold approximately 2 cups of whipped cream in to the peanut butter mix.  
To make whipped cream, take 1 cup cold heavy whipping cream in a chilled bowl and whip with an electric mixer on whipping speed.  After it is whipped fluffy and stiff, mix in 2 tablespoons sugar.  
Or you can use large container of Extra Creamy Cool Whip or equivalent.
5.  Divide the whipped cream/cream cheese mix and spread above the chocolate pudding mix of the 2 pies.  
6.  Top the pies with more whipped cream.
7.  Drizzle with melted chocolate chips.
8.  Top with broken Reece's peanut butter cups.
I love that this makes 2 pies!  You could keep one and take one to a friend or to a pot luck!


They have lots of deer roaming on their properties.  There were a couple little "Bambis"!

To be continued....

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