Saturday, September 9, 2023

New Beginnings

Fall is around the corner.  Technically, autumn isn't until September 23.  But mornings are a little cooler now.  I believe today is the last day in the 90s.  Monday is predicted at 68 degrees!!

With summer vacation being over, there are new things that happen:

Our moms Bible study started up this past week!  Two of the moms couldn't come for the first study sadly.  Sarah and I are really looking forward to our time with these sweet mamas!!

We will be studying "Lord, Change My Attitude".  Don't we all need attitude adjustments at times?

I am also in a Bible study with older women (Sarah tells me that they are "wiser older women" and this is true.  Such a wonderful godly group of prayer partners who love to dig into God's Word!)  That study begins this coming week and we will be studying Philippians.

Awana began and I am once again teaching Cubbies, 3-5 year olds.  I LOVE that age group!

End of summer also means that the grandkids headed back to school!  Seems like that shouldn't happen until the hot weather goes away.  When I was growing up, we never went to school until after Labor Day, but guess things change.

Hannah, our oldest, went off to college!

Emeri is a sophmore.

Eli is in 8th grade

Claire in 5th
Jill is teaching part-time at her school

Sophia is homeschooled and is not sure what class she is in.
Somewhere between sophmore and junior.

The littles are also growing.  Not quite ready for school.
But Tenley will be taking swim lessons soon.

Kaia is growing and learning to get around everywhere!

Yikes!!  She'll be a mountain climber like her parents!

We did a new thing last evening.  We went to Scheels.  Everyone was talking about it!  We didn't go when it first opened up.

May the Lord bless this coming "year".  Hmm, I wonder why we don't have new beginnings with New Years?  Like change school years, begin new cycles in January?

"To think that God has predestined my days, that He has planned my life in advance, that He has chosen me from before the creation of the world to be His child, that He is in control of all that happens, and that He is working out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will - what a truth and what an encouragement!"            -  "The Promise", Robert Morgan

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