Tuesday, January 9, 2024

The Giving


After reading the story of Christmas to the little ones, Santa appeared.

Every year he shows up and hands out the stockings.  Family tradition.  

We weren't sure what Kaia would think.  
Her first time to see Papa Santa!

Papa Santa gives Nana a kiss!

"Papa!  Where were you?  You missed Santa again!"

The stockings were all opened and enjoyed.

"My, what big lips you have, Papa!"
"All the better for kissing you, Nana!"

After stockings were opened, presents were passed out.  

Emeri always was borrowing Sophia's sweatshirt so was given her own.

Papa was given a "Rabbi Starter Kit"!

And this for me!

Tenley could have cared less about opening presents.  She was enjoying Nana's decoration birdie.

But she did like her doggie from Claire!

Such a clever gift!  A personalized Clue game!

It has the rooms in our own home.  The bedrooms in our basement have nicknames, as you can see.  I'm surprised Sophia didn't say "Dead Room" instead of "Ancestor Room".  That's what they call it because "it has pictures of dead people in it!"

A rocking chair lawn chair for the "old" guy.

Claire demonstrated her gift from her parents.

We later wore our matching shirts.

What a fun time of giving!

And of course we thank the Father for His most precious gift to us - His Only Son, who came to the earth to give us life!

God sent His son, they called Him, Jesus;He came to love, heal and forgive;He lived and died to buy my pardon,An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives!
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,Because He lives, all fear is gone;Because I know He holds the future,And life is worth the living,Just because He lives!

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