Monday, January 8, 2024

The obligatory family photos (Nana insisted)

I was so excited that the family could all come this year!  I held my breath that it would happen!  And it did.  It was the first time half of the family met the youngest one in the family, Kaia.  Mindy's family were not able to come last Christmas when Kaia was 1 month old and we didn't have a family get-together this past summer.

This past year Claire has been face-timing with Tenley and Kaia every week or so.  They know eachother from this technology that can be sometimes wonderful!

We call Josh the "baby whisperer".  He just has a way.

I insisted on family photos!  Our first of the whole family!  We believe the family is complete now - until the grandchildren have spouses followed by great-grandchildren, that is!

We took pictures with each of our children, and then with their kids.  Here is our oldest, Josh.

And his two.


Next comes Jill.

With her 3 girls.



Then Mindy with her 2 girls.



This picture above took a bit to do.  She wasn't having it.  Took someone to distract her with Miss Rachel on the phone. "Hop little bunny, hop, hop, hop!"

Then Tenley was struggling during the "grandkids with grandparents" photo.

Perhaps Josh or Hannah can photo edit and switch heads or something.  Ha!

Tenley had an excuse though.  She began running a fever and in fact, ended up at Urgent Care later.  Busted ear drum, ear infection and respiratory infection.  Poor dear.

Here is a "blast from the past" as they say:

"But the steadfast love of the LORD
is from everlasting to everlasting
on those who fear Him,
and His righteousness to children's children..."
Psalm 107:17a

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