Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Road Trip day 3: worship

On Sunday morning, we went to New Heights church.
It meets at the Boys and Girls Club.
Adam met up with a Moody college alum who used to be in college with him.

Josh has to get up pretty early Sunday mornings to get ready.

They are going through a family series and the sermon this day really touched my heart!  God's design for women.  We have been talking about the same thing in my young mom's Bible study and this was said so plainly and in a new way that we will listen to it next week.  If you want to hear it, click here.

Brother and sister were matchy matchy this day!

Josh still had 2nd service to do, but we needed to get on the road.  
So we said our byes to him and went to Newks to eat.

Adam and Jill doing a silly pose.

And from Denver, Mindy and Bryan texted us a come back to it.

Goodbye sweet Arkansas family!

When I got home later that night, Al and I stayed up to watch the Royals.  We were also switching channels to watch the Packers, who weren't doing so hot.  Sad.  But the Royals!!!  Oh my goodness!   So happy for this team that won the World Series!

Roadtrip, day 2: Boo!

 On Halloween day, I read this cute little story to the grandchildren called the Pumpkin Gospel.

It talks about how the slime inside the pumpkin reminds us of our insides before God makes us new.

We scoop out the mushy gushies and it reminds us that He cleans out our sins.
God's love is like the candle that shines from the inside out.
                                       "You are the light of the world!"  Matt. 5:14

We colored and pasted pumpkin faces

and then worked on making a real jack-o-lantern!

The first pumpkin that Hannah carved.  I cut out the first triangle to show her how, and she did the rest!
 I washed the slime off the pumpkin seeds and put them in the oven.

Jill asked Josh to take some family photos so we went outside to do that.  When we got done, I could smell burnt pumpkin seeds!  I had forgotten all about them!  They were ruined.  So sad.  I love roasted pumpkin seeds!

As soon as supper was over, the children were ready to dress up for Trick or Treating!

Claire found this mask in Emeri's room and 
on her own initiative wanted to wear it.

Off we went.

Trick or Treat!

 It was a fun neighborhood to walk around and the kids were all excited to eat their stash!  Their parents allowed 2 candies that night.  (and I think the grownups had a few too!)

"Act like people of the light and make your light shine."  Ephesians 5:8,9

Monday, November 2, 2015

Roadtrip: Birthdays

We took a roadtrip to celebrate the birthdays of our Arkansas grandchildren.  

Al had to work the weekend (hospital workers have to do that) but I hitched a ride with Jill and the family.  We left pretty early in the morning.

On the way to their place, I had to pull over to take a picture of the sky on fire!

The drive to their place is 5 1/2 hours.  The children really travelled quite well!
 The kids were excited to get there to play with cousins!

Claire was just a little nervous to be outside with Joby.

The trees in Arkansas were pretty incredible!

I LOVE fall!!

Josh fixed us a delicious chili supper!

Birthday celebration -
the kids had already had a cake earlier with their other grandpictures and with Trick or Treating happening, the parents thought it would be just too much sugar!  
So we just had the kids hold their candles.

 Jill sews these number t-shirts for birthdays.  

Happy birthday Emeri and Elijah!