Love the Lord your God, listen to His voice and hold fast to Him, for the Lord is your life! Deut. 30:20

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Our '54 Chevy Bel Air

 Back in 2006, we acquired Allen's Grandma's 1954 Chevy Bel Air.

Allen's grandfather purchased the car brand new for Grandma (Schlosser) Graber so that she would have something reliable.  He passed away the next year.  

Grandma drove that car to the grocery store in Pretty Praire (just a few blocks from her home) and also to the Pretty Prairie church that was 3 miles down the road in the country.  Allen says that Grandma Schlosser was the slow driver.  The other Grandma Graber (Grandma Bretz) was the fast driver and they loved to ride with her! 

I can still remember when my Dad, who pastored the church, was running behind because my mother took too long getting ready in the morning.  He wanted to pass that SLOW vehicle but my mother said that would not be appropriate for the pastor to pass that elderly lady!

After Grandma Schlosser passed away, Al's father got the car.  But when his Dad went into the nursing home, Allen purchased it from him.

We drove it to our home, an hour away.

The tires were not in good condition and on the way, one of the tires shredded apart.  He put on a spare to get us home.

No seatbelts but you can hang on!!

It has run fairly good over the years although one time we did have to take it in to get some maintenance work done on it.

We've enjoyed taking many friends and family on rides to Sonic over the years.  Only our granddaughter Claire did not enjoy it.  The gas fumes got to her.

This year, Allen decided it was time to sell the car.  It made me very sad, but I said as long as it went to someone in the family, I wouldn't mind so much.  Word got out that Grandma Schlosser's car was for sale.  And Allen's cousin's son decided he would like to have it.

We took it for a last run to Sonic.

After eating, we did one last run dragging Main.  Complete with a train, of course.  This is Newton, afterall.

We gave the car a good wash.

Final night in our garage.

The next day we drove the car to North Newton to Allen's cousin's house.  We were combining a Krehbiel family reunion with the sale of the car.  All the fellas had to check out the car.

Allen had to tell the story about Grandma Schlosser suing Fidel Castro!
If you want to know, call him!

The 4 Krehbiel sisters, Al's 1st cousins.

They had the first turn riding in Grandma's car.

Everyone who wanted to got a ride.

Then the deed was done.

The new owners.

May it bring them much joy!  Good-bye, sweet Bel Air!

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