Saturday, June 27, 2009
Then we did one of Sophia's favorite activities - playdough. The reason it is one of her favorites is that she loves to EAT playdough! We always tell her it is yucky but she doesn't agree. She made playdough "ice-cream".

This kind of sushi does not have raw fish with it. I'm not too fond of raw fish. I like dried fish. I love dried squid! When we were growing up in Japan, my brothers loved to eat raw fish and sometimes would poke at the eyeballs with their chopsticks. Probably to gross me out.
On Friday, I found these plates at Target on clearance. $6 for 4 plates! They coordinate with my dishes. Love them!
Children's Ministry Council
I forgot to write about the CMC dinner we had on Wednesday night. Kris Reed, our children's director, treated us and our spouses to a wonderfully delicious meal. After the meal, we played Wii.
Those of us on the council are:
myself - nursery
Becca Adamson - 9:30 pre-school and elementary SS
Becky Khosravipour - 11:00 pre-school and elementary SS
Lori Jordan - Kid's Worship
Elizabeth Biggs - One-to-one
Brian Loewen - Awana
I heard that we are supposed to get a shade for the Fireside room windows. It gets pretty sunny from the west when the sun is setting. We tried to block the sunlight so we could see. When I was trying to "hit" the tennis ball, I couldn't even see "me" on the board! (good excuse for missing the ball totally)
We found out that putting up the bushes made it look pretty realistic that the tennis court was shaded from trees. It worked.
Thank you, Kris (and Mike) for the fun party! We have an incredible team at church! I prayed for a team for several years and am so grateful to the Lord for you all!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Hanna Massad

Pastor Hanna said that they live between two fires. First, the fire of Israel's occupation. Israel severely restricts travel. Israel's refusal to grant a visa to Massad's wife once kept the couple separated for 10 months.
"Also we experience the fire of the militant Muslim, who is not happy about what we do and who we are," Massad said. Terrorists twice bombed the building of the Palestinian Bible Society, and last year militants kidnapped and executed the manager of the society's Christian bookstore, Rami Ayyad. This young man had two little boys and his wife was expecting their third, a girl. The terrorists gave Rami the option to convert to Islam or be killed. He chose to die, faithful to Christ to the end. He was shot in the back of the head. This man's little 2 1/2 year old child sometimes will see his daddy's picture on the computer screen and go hug the computer. Rami's wife is glad that her husband did not give in. Although she dearly misses him, for him to have returned from captivity would have meant that he had made the decision to deny Christ.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Baby frogs

Monday, June 22, 2009
Happy Birthday, Mom!
Here is my mother when she was a baby.
Mom grew up in Pandora, Ohio.
My mom was a missionary in Japan for about 30 years.
(on the other hand, remembering what kind of kids we were, maybe not!!...ha!)
We had a Christian kindergarten for Japanese kids by our home.
Dad was the "encho-sensei", or director.

She's a great mom, grandma and great-grandmother.