Here is the boat we took across, leaving Turkey.
We said our good-byes to our guide, Belgin. What a precious girl! We gave her a gift and a blessing; that she would know how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ!I love the wake left by a boat.
On the left are Ann and Conda. We joked that we could remember their name "anaconda"!
A few went below
Samos Island
Acts 20:15 "And sailing from there we came the following day opposite Chios; the next day we touched at Samos; and the day after that we went to Miletus."
We found a place that would store all our luggage for the morning while we explored the island. We walked around with Janice and Mike (small world - they happen to know our son-in-law's sister and family! Worked with them in Papau New Guinea!)
We stopped for lunch.
Isn't this island so adorable???
We found a pharmacy - two pharmacists, an American and a Greek
Story behind this - I have always thought it would be a great idea if somehow they could invent a way that if you see something, you wouldn't need to fuss about getting your camera out to take a picture. You should be able to blink or touch your forehead and snap an instantaneous picture. Well, we found this camera that fits on your head. Would that work?
Ice-cream! YES!
At the appointed time, we met back at the place that stored our luggage.
We formed a line to take all the luggage out of the store and get it loaded on a bus for the next leg of the trip - a flight to Athens.