This lady told us about electric rays.

Leaving the beautiful mountains in Alabama. We decided to make a stop in Memphis to visit Life Choices, where Adam and Jill hope to get a baby from some day.
While the younger kids had rest time, we took Hannah with us to visit Fort Gaines, a prominent fort during the Civil War era. Fort Gaines is a massive brick fort that stood guard over the entrance to Mobile Bay, Alabama. It is located on the eastern tip of Dauphin Island. The term "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" comes from the union admiral trying to break through to the bay.
Not your everyday outhouse! It was a 10-seater that connected by way of a culvert to the Bay. The tide would come in and out and flush the toilets. This was necessary being that over 400 men would use that latrine daily. (wouldn't want to swim in that Bay!)
We also played games. One game we found at the house was called "Would you rather". Very silly. Questions like: would you rather have arms that reach to the ground or be 7' tall but your legs only 2' in height.
There were challenges too. Like keeping a spoon in your mouth for 2 rounds...