Sea of Gallilee

While she has been gone, Josh came to visit us in Kansas and brought the grandkids! The kids are ever growing!
It was time to put out the purple martin house.
The scouts are in Kansas!
Al bought a blue bird house too, and put that up. I have never seen blue birds around here, although I see them on the bird walk I take each month up in the north part of town.
Please come, little blue birds! It is a very nice apartment for you!
My brother and his wife have several blue birds at their place in Kansas City. Dave takes such great photos of them!
The kids enjoyed playing badmitten and played it every day!

We play with racquetball racquets because that's easier than using badmitten racquets.
We spotted a possom across the creek (we say "crick" but Eli says in Arkansas they say "creek").
"Hiss!!! Stay away from me!"
We enjoyed biking and scootering. Emeri tried out my tricycle.
Father and son
We decided to go around the lake.
And to the firehouse and back.