The day after Thanksgiving, the girls were ready to decorate for Christmas!
How do I look in the tree skirt?
Jill was excited to be able to place the tree in the front window.
Their house in Kansas didn't have a front window.
And the girls have this other tree in the family room for their own ornaments.
Adam and Jill went out on a date later that night and we took the girls shopping for this year's ornaments. First we stopped here.
Claire found just the one on the Pink Princess tree.
An upside down tree

And because Claire can't have dairy, we brought her own ice-cream.
Then we drove around town looking at lights.
This year's ornaments.The next morning it was time for us to head out for Kansas. Adam and Hannah had left for church early so we did silly waves with these 3. So sad leaving them.
Good-bye Wisconsin!
This day for some reason, we saw MANY people our age on the road.
Baby boomer - will travel!
The sky was so pretty this day!
We've never seen the road so busy between Des Moines and Emporia!
It usually has very little traffic. But not this day!
It was bumper to bumper and they were driving FAST and FURIOUS!
We didn't take the longer scenic route -
just went along with the traffic the fastest way possible.

The Kansas sky was so beautiful as we were on the last leg of the journey.