While watching the approaching storm, I got a call from a friend from church wanting to know about the playhouse we made under the stairs that I had posted about earlier. I have been wanting to write again about it since we now have the outside of the playhouse done. Infact, it is almost all done now.
So, welcome to 624B (B for basement). 624 is our house number.
As you can see, our basement is still a work in progress. Floor isn't in, nor baseboards or trim. But the playhouse was priority for the grandkids to play in so that has come first.
Come on inside!
People have asked me about the sofa - it is from Hobby Lobby. With their wonderful 40% off coupons that you can either get in the Sunday paper or print off on-line, it helps the price!
The chenile rug was mine when I was a little girl.
The doll sitting on the sofa is now dressed like a girl, but when our son Josh (who is grown now) was learning to potty train, I found this doll at a garage sale. I used it to show Josh how to go to the bathroom. The doll has a little hole in its' bottom so it would "pee" while sitting on the potty chair (after I gave it some water) I used the book "Potty Training in Less Than a Day" which really did work. I used it on both my nephew Brandon and on Josh. The poop part didn't so much work, however. And it didn't work on my girls. This doll's name back in the day was Adam.
I found this kitchen set at a craft fair back when the kids were in elementary and junior high. I just knew it was a bargain and was worth buying "for someday for the grandkids". My family laughed at me back then, but now I think they realize I was being wise and thinking ahead.
The doll on the right is Keiko-chan. Back when we lived in Wichita and the kids were little, this doll belonged to my best friend, Kiyoko-san's daughter, Keiko-chan. When they returned to Japan, they gave us the doll. We named her after Keiko.
The doll in the middle I purchased in McPherson on one of the outings my Biblestudy goes on annually at the end of the year. I saw her and just gasped because I thought she freakishly looked so similar to Hannah! Not that Hannah looks freakish. Just that a doll that looks so much like someone is a little freaky. Only Hannah's eyes are blue and Zoe's eyes are brown.

Here is looking into the playhouse from the family room.