Here are just a few more pictures from the week the kids were here
A little silliness
When his daddy was three, he wanted to be a trash man when he grew up
Playing with Nana's Creation flannelgraph
Going around the lake
When we went around the lake, I was walking and the kids were on their scooters. I went over the one rule - they had to be able to see me at all times and I had to be able to see them. They can go mighty fast on those scooters and my legs cannot keep up!
I called and called but they zoomed out of sight. When I got to the fork on the path, I was not sure whether to continue going on the path that goes further around the lake or whether to head back to the house.
Dilema. Which way do I go?
I decided to try the path to the house. I let out a sigh of relief to see the scooters laying on the garage floor! Of course we had to have a little talk and some time out for not obeying those rules.

Sometimes I run ahead of God....don't wait for Him. Of course, He will never lose sight of me. He always knows where I am. But how much better to wait and walk along life's path with Him.