After the funeral, we knew we just HAD to have it before we cleaned out the duplex. This would be a final time for the whole family to be together at Mom's place.
I asked my Dad to give the prayer. Since Dad has had his strokes, his speech is not the best. Often can't find the words to say. I debated whether to ask considering his frame of mind/lack of words, but I just had to. Even if all he could say was "Thank You, Father".
The prayer he gave was incredible! I nearly burst into tears. Almost supernatural! God gave him the words to speak such a beautiful blessing on our family and gave the Lord thanks for all He has done.
Dad had an accident before he was married and has had these 2 false teeth that he likes to pop out of his mouth. I grew up with him doing it all the time as a joke. The kids were amazed by it!
We had Dad open his gifts. (can you believe I am finally going to be posting about Christmas?)
What a wonderful time we had. And a little sad, missing Mom.