This is a plaque that belonged to Allen's grandmother and was given to me. I love it! I love to have people in my home - to show hospitality. Wednesday mornings is when I meet with mostly women around my age (and one very young lady). In the past we have studied Beth Moore studies or books by Dee Brestin or Phillip Yancey. This year, we are going through the book "Life Management for Busy Women" by Elizabeth George, which is our topic for the Mom2Mom group we host once a month for the young moms at our church.
My daughter, Jill told me I must post a couple recipes on my blog. I made these casseroles for Christmas with the family. Since Bible study was this morning, I decided to make them for these ladies. That way I could take pictures for the blog too!
As it turned out, almost everyone in our Bible study could not come - illness, several out of state visiting children, appointments. But we decided to meet anyway. And spend time sharing about Christmas and take time to pray together about one another and those in our group. And eat! So, here are those delicious recipes that come originally from Rosemary Hinz, one of the ladies in our group. When we had this at her house, we all begged for the recipes.
Rosemary's Blueberry Croissant PuffCut up 5 large croissants and place in a 9x13 greased baking dish (I made 1/2 the recipe since I knew most of the women would not be able to make it today - but I am giving you the full recipe). Sprinkle with 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries.

Beat together until well blended:
16 oz. cream cheese, softened
4 eggs
2 t. vanilla
1 1/3 cup sugar
Gradually add 2 1/2 cups milk (or cream!) until mixture is smooth.

Pour evenly over croissant pieces. Let stand 30 minutes. (I covered it at this point and put it in the refrigerator overnight and just baked it in the morning.)

Bake at 350 degrees for 40 - 60 minutes or until set in center and golden brown.
Now, here is the recipe for:
Rosemary's Sausage Brunch Casserole
In large skillet brown and then drain
1 1/2 pound bulk Italian sausage (again I only made 1/2 the recipe but I am giving you
the full recipe)
1 cup chopped onion

Arrange sausage and onion in greased 9x13 pan. Sprinkle over sausage mixture:
3 oz. chopped red roasted bell pepper
9 oz. or more frozen chopped spinach, drained well

Mix together in bowl:
1 cup flour
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 t. salt
1 T. basil leaves (I used fresh)
Mix together in another bowl:
8 eggs
2 cups milk (or cream!)
Combine egg and flour mixture; beat until well blended. Pour liquid mixture over spinach.

Bake at 425 for 20 - 25 minutes or until set in center. (I made this the night before also and baked it in the morning) Sprinkle casserole with 4 oz. shredded Provolone cheese (this will melt in a few minutes). (because I baked the 2 at the same time, I just baked this casserole at 350 for just a little longer time)
Serve and enjoy!

Here are Julie and Janice enjoying the breakfast!