Love the Lord your God, listen to His voice and hold fast to Him, for the Lord is your life! Deut. 30:20

Friday, January 24, 2025

A few days in Arkansas, part 1

We drove down to Arkansas to see our son and his family last weekend.  We had planned to drive our car down, but when I drove home from Awana the night before, a low tire light came up.  We didn't have time to check it out, so we took the truck.  (Later, we found a screw stuck in the tire.  Surely we would have had a flat tire on the way.  So grateful that the light came on to warn us.  Thank You, Lord!)

We hit Northwest Arkansas at rush hour.  We had to chuckle at the title on the truck door.  I don't believe "swift" was the correct word, as we were crawling along.

We stopped at Josh's and along with him, Staci and her parents, we went to watch our grandson play basketball in a small town about 20 minutes southeast of Fayetteville.  

This little town had a super fancy basketball court!  Cushy seats, flashy lights, loud music.  Not like normal small town USA courts.

Eli did really good.  They played well and lost by only a couple of points.

Eli has grown a lot lately.  When he was young, it was hard to get him to eat.  

But now, he eats tons!  The night before, around 11, Josh heard him in the kitchen making lots of noise as he fixed himself a double cheeseburger!  He also fixed himself another one for breakfast.  He ate 2 suppers before the ballgame and on the way home from the game, he asked if we could stop at Braum's and he ate more!!

We stayed at the "Prier Hotel" (Staci's parents' house, next door to Josh's).  A 5 star "hotel"!  They are so gracious to give us a place to stay.

The following day, we were going to watch Emeri at her swim meet, but she hadn't felt good and did not sleep well, so she stayed home.  Sad not to see her compete, but she just was not up for it.

Eli went to play practice for "Fiddler on the Roof".  He will play the Rabbi.  Emeri is also in the play but she napped.  We'll have to return to Arkansas for that! 

Eli also went to basketball practice.  These teens live busy lives!

My friend's mother had passed away.  I have never watched a funeral via zoom, but that is just what I did!  I was sad to miss the funeral as I have known my friend since 1987 and knew her mother also.  I am grateful for technology to be a part of the service.  

Josh and Allen "yeshiva-ed" - discussed Biblical passages and "mysteries".  Digging deep.  One of the passages they discussed was Job 39:9.  It was so interesting!

Like his dad, Josh uses his hands to explain things.

Emeri had ordered several pair of deep red shoes for homecoming and they arrived at the door.  No need to go store to store any more.  She can shop on-online. 

I asked her to model them with her dress on.

She also put on the trench coat we got her for Christmas.

After a nap, Emeri felt better and made a Greek soup for us.

After dinner, we played a game...I should say the rest of them did.
It was too complicated for me.  Emeri said I could be on her team, but really I just enjoyed watching.  I did not contribute any words of wisdom.  Emeri won!