The "trunk" of our Infiniti is not nearly as large as our Ford was. Papa had to squeeze to get everything loaded.
"The Santa Fe Trail was once a major route through the Southwest. Trade goods and mail traveled over the trail until the railroad replaced it. For over 50 years, thousands of wagons traveled over the route, carving deep ruts into the land. Seen from the air, their tracks look as if someone dragged a giant rake across the land. Today there are very few of these ruts left." But we passed one area of them.

"Cheyenne Bottoms and Quivira National Wildlife Refuge are both wetlands in Kansas that are important stopovers for migrating birds. Cheyenne Bottoms is a lowland basin and the largest freshwater marsh in the US interior, while Quivira is an inland salt marsh. Both are part of the Kansas Wetlands Complex."
At Taos road, we went north. It was 15 miles of gravel road that would lead to Monument Rocks. Open range country so you have to watch for cattle.

We would need to definitely wash our car when we got to Mindy's!
We passed the Buffalo Bill Cultural Center close to Oakley. That is on my "to do" list. We got onto Highway 70.
After Limon, we got on another dirt road to stop to see long time friends, the Frazers. Claire and Maelle have been penpals for some time.
They were in Sunday School together way back when! Along with Kate!
We had a good visit and "kettching up". Reminiscing. When our church did Judgement House, Ryan made such a good Jesus character!