Today is the last day of winter. And it is going out with a blast. Fierce winds! and also some snow.
The juncos are still here. Even though officially tomorrow is the start of Spring. They haven't got the "memo". I'm sure God has given them instinct as to when they need to move on!You can see the willow has begun to green up and some of my flowers have come up too!

And we girls all went out for lunch one day. A great way to spend a winter day with friends!
In true Kansas fashion, winter also included sunny, warm days. My friend, Sheryl, came to visit from out of town.
We visited while Allen put our fountain together since the weather felt so nice.
Birdies taking shelter under the eaves.
This winter we've had so many snow or ice days that have led to several cancellations of Bible studies, Awana and school. It snowed as far south as Dauphin Island, Alabama where we have gone for vacation in the past.
Sharing time with friends is always enjoyable, especially on these cold days!
It was our turn to host small group.

And we girls all went out for lunch one day. A great way to spend a winter day with friends!
We also had dinner with Al's brothers and wives in Yoder.
More winter birds
"Flying birds...let them praise the name of the LORD for His Name alone is exalted; His splendour is above the earth and the heavens."
Psalm 148
Perhaps you heard about the "dust blizzard" that hit northwest Kansas earlier this week? Reminds me of the dust bowl days our parents talked about.
In true Kansas fashion, winter also included sunny, warm days. My friend, Sheryl, came to visit from out of town.
This winter we knew 4 people who passed away. My friend, Sheryl's mother. Becca's (I serve with her in Awana) husband. An 8- year-old boy from our church passed from Influenza A. And our children's piano teacher's husband also passed away.
2 Peter 1:11 "And you will receive a RICH WELCOME into the eternal kingdom of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ."
You won't just get into heaven if you follow Christ, you will be RICHLY welcomed! As one by one, we leave each other and go into His presence, let us rejoice in the homegoing, even though we DO grieve and sorrow in the parting. But it is only for a short time, eternity speaking! "We grieve, but not like those without hope." 1 Thess 4:13
"The little birds trust God, for they go singing
From northern woods where autumn winds have blown,
With joyous faith their unmarked pathway winging
To summer lands of song, afar, unknown.
Let us go singing, then, and not go crying;
Since we are sure our times are in His hand,
Why should we weep, and fear, and call it dying?
It's merely flying to a Summer Land."