Josh and Staci had a long to-do list to be accomplished. Al enjoys doing that with Josh.

One of the things they did was to take apart the crib Emeri has been sleeping in and putting together a big girl bed. Emeri was so proud of being able to be big enough to sleep in a real bed!
Staci had her own project. Way to be artsy!! And it is so cute! She got some canvas and painted it blue. They found a font they liked on DaFont.com and printed off Elijah's name and also the meaning to his name on clear plastic. Using the church's projector, Staci projected that onto the canvas, penciled over that, then took brown paint and painted the lettering. It is adorable!

On Sunday, we went to New Heights Church where Josh and Staci dedicated Elijah to the Lord. Essentially, Elijah does not belong to them, but to the Lord.
Staci's parents, grandpa and her aunt's family also were there to celebrate.

May God help them as they raise him to follow the Lord that:
1. God will speak clearly to him and that he will listen
2. That Eli will believe that God can do anything!
3. That Eli will be an instrument to help lead people back to God
Staci has a list of prayers from the story of the prophet Elijah in the Bible. It is so wonderful that he has parents who will pray for him and lead him in the way he should go.