The bus had to stop at the top of the hill as it could not make the turns down into this little fishing village. Shuttle busses had to come get us to take us down to the hotel.
As we were checking in, some children were running in and out of the door. The hotel manager or owner began scolding them and told them to just stay out.
Barn swallows had made a nest in the lobby and were swooping in and out.
The stain glass in the lobby makes sense.
Look at our room!! It is so cute I could hardly stand it!
A little cafe was right by the water.
"Meow. Please feed me your supper!"
We stayed until late, visiting and eating!
In the morning, we had breakfast by the harbour once again.

We decided to take a walk around before it was time to leave.
We were lucky waking up early.
Some of our group slept in and unfortunately a pipe had burst up on the mountain and there was no more running water. No showers for the sleepy-heads!
Going the other way toward the village

We kept walking around the harbour.

See all the fish bones picked clean by kitties? This is a good place for cats!

Janice and Mike have a little friend following them.

It was a little chilly
And then it was time to load up on the shuttles and head out for the Temple of Athena at the top of the mountain overlooking the harbour.