Love the Lord your God, listen to His voice and hold fast to Him, for the Lord is your life! Deut. 30:20

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Busy days in Colorado

Yes, Jason was having fun in California, but we were having fun too!

Dress up is a fun activity for the girls - and Papa too.

Painting is fun too!  Each child has their own style.  Kaia likes to mix all her colors together.

Tenley likes to draw with just 1 color.

Papa did a "Bob Ross" impression.  See the pretty little tree?

More coloring and using scissors too.

We read many books.

Puzzle time.

They helped fix breakfast.

There was a lot of wrestling!

Mindy had a long to-do list for Papa.  He fixed a stuck sliding glass door.  Then he helped remove the "out-dated" valance.

And helped to lower the lights just a tad.

Kaia kept asking "Are you okay, Papa?"  And in her two-year-old voice asked "Did you figure it out?"  So sweet.

Kaia is so funny.  She loves to "call" her Papa on her play phone or anything that is handy, like a lump of playdough.

"Hello Papa!"  Mindy will daily hear her crying for her Papa.  "Papa!  Paaaapaaaa!"  "Papa, what you doing?"  She has deep conversations with him on her play phones.  One day, Mindy suggested that she call her Nani. 

 "Nani, where's Papa?"

We took Tenley to preschool one day.  We sang "Tenley's going to school today, hurrah, hurrah" to the tune "The ants go marching two by two".

Kaia gets alone time while Tenley is gone.

We went to the Museum of Natural History.

And who doesn't want to go to Party City and Home Depot??

We had a paper airplane contest.

It was nice enough to play outside one afternoon.
February in Colorado??

Mindy started a snowball fight.

Colorado is a wonderful place to visit!
Especially to play with our kiddos!