In March we celebrate Jill and Hannah's birthdays.
Emeri had a BLAST!!
As for Eli....
Emeri put a sign on the door from the garage where Jill's family always enters.

Hannah wanted brats and hamburgers for her dinner.
I also fixed sweet potato fries.
At Market Square in Fayetteville, they serve an awesome praline sauce with their fries. I looked up a recipe and it was REALLY good to dip the fries in it!
Recipe for Praline Sauce:
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/2 cup half-and-half
1/2 cup butter
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Bring first 3 ingredients to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. Cook 1 minute. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla. Serve warm. Yummy!!
A dear friend stopped by to wish Jill a happy birthday!
We had a Dude Perfect themed party.
(Good sport, Jill!)
( I had no clue what Dude Perfect was, so Hannah had to inform me. Keep reading...)
A microscope for the girl who LOVES science!
"35 reasons we love Aunt Jill"
Each of the kids get a little gift from Nana.
We went downstairs to watch a couple of clips of the Dude Perfect guys.
We went outside for some games of our own!
Roll the ball down the hill into the bucket.
Perfect Party!