They had kitties.
Aunt Gayle filled the stock tank for swimming.
A special surprise for Jim was that we brought in Andrew Peterson.

Had to get back for a special farewell for our youth pastor, Jim Horning.
He has been with our church for 9 1/2 years.
We began the evening in worship.

He is a contemporary Christian singer/songwriter from Nashville.
He comes to this area every year and we always go to worship with him.
One year, Jim brought him to our church.
Jim loves Andrew Peterson so some of the people who work with Jim in the youth group thought it would be a good idea to bring him in for the farewell.
As you can see above, Jim was so "into" the worship time that he did not see Andrew Peterson slip in and sit down at the piano.
You should have seen Jim's face when he noticed him.
I thought he would faint on the spot.
reflection of what God has done in and through Jim's ministry at our church.
God's richest blessings to him.
I love Andrew Peterson too-what church was he at?
Our church - Grace Community Church in Newton, Kansas. We may have him come next year on tour too. Hope, anyway!
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