Pretty Prairie's First Mennonite Church was celebrating their 125th anniversary this weekend. I decided to go to the festivities. Allen had to work and then was on call so he could not leave town.
Here is Pretty Prairie. A mile long, a mile wide. Around 500 residents. It boasts the largest night rodeo in Kansas. Hometown of my Dad and my husband's family. My Dad lived in town for a couple of years, but mostly lived out on a dairy farm by Castleton. Allen grew up 3 miles outside of town.

This was the parsonage back when our family came to the States in 1971 and my Dad pastored the First Mennonite Church. Lots of memories in that hous! My bedroom was in the upper left corner.

At the church, they showed how wheat was threshed back in the day.
Luckily they had lots of water for us to drink.

I found Allen's grandparents' wedding certificate.
There were a couple of rooms that had displays from the many missionaries that the church has supported over the years. My parent's put one up of Japan. Then I found one from this family who served in Africa.
Some of those who read my blog will recognize Stan Graber and also Jeannette Jantz! You should talk to them sometime about their experiences growing up in the Congo!
I don't think he looks much like a grandaughter!
It is actually Richard Stucky, or Schnooks.
Fishing buddy.
Drinking buddy.
Until Al met Christ.
And then met me!
Al replaced Richard for my company!
We joked about that yesterday.
The note mentions that prior to the 1850's, the wedding dresses were black. The tradition of wearing white wedding dresses started in Europe and then came to America.

I found Allen's grandparents' wedding certificate.

After a pulled pork bbq dinner outside under a tent where I enjoyed fellowshiping with lots of old friends (including the couple who caught our garter and bouquet at our wedding - and yes, they were the next couple to get married in the church), there was a program in the church.
There was a DVD that included pictures of the many musical groups from the church over the years, along with the songs that had been taped. Pictures of Al's parents. His brother and wife too. A cousin, Kathy Voran who was killed in a car accident north of Newton. She was a very talented organist.
It was a journey back in time. The story of our forefathers leaving Switzerland in the 1500's because of persecution, going to France and then to Prussia and finally to America in 1874. The people in the skit were historical people who spoke of the days of old and the changes over the years. It spoke of God's faithfulness to His people. The message was "where God leads, follow Him."
What a lovely, albeit, HOT day! What memories that little town holds for all of you. I loved the photo of the dresses. How elegant they were! (And tiny women!)
What a great day! I love all the history and memories.
What a great memories... I love all the history and memories.amazing...
thanks for sharing..
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