Last weekend, I drove down to Arkansas to celebrate my Arkansas grandbabies' birthdays. Emeri and Eli have their birthdays two days apart!
They decided to do a combined birthday party with their friends. It was a jungle party!
Emeri helped her mommy decorate her butterfly birthday cake.

Eli's mommy made him a monkey cake and there were extra cupcakes with the letter "e" on them.
We decorated the house "jungly".

On Saturday, all their friends came to the party.
We sang "Happy Birthday" to Emeri first, and she blew out her 3 candles.

Then "Happy Birthday" to Eli and his daddy blew out his candle for him so he wouldn't get burnt.

The children ate outside on the deck.

There were games -
feed the animals...

pin the tail on the monkey...

and all the children got jungle hats.
what a fun party!!!
Very cute! Love the party hats!
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