Love the Lord your God, listen to His voice and hold fast to Him, for the Lord is your life! Deut. 30:20

Monday, September 22, 2014

Almost 60!

Al is 59 today!
He's getting

(shhh.  don't tell.  I'm 59 too!)

On Sunday after church and after our naps, we totally surprised him with a little family party!  He had no idea!  He was caught off guard - I usually have a hard time keeping secrets from him so was glad we pulled it off!  

 We like to have pies for our birthdays and Allen loves Tollhouse pie and I also got a butterscotch pecan pie too, another favorite.  (I had hidden them in the fridge in the basement.) We sang happy birthday to him and then Claire suddenly popped in to blow out the candles!
 Claire loves birthdays!

 We keep telling Sophia that if she continues to cross her eyes, they will stay that way ... but she doesn't believe us!

 Yes, he is my strong, bold and fearless husband!

 2 Snickers bars!  Can you guess that he loves them?

I love Brut!  It is the cologne he used to wear when we first began to date!  I was having a hard time finding it though and then Walgreens carried this ginormous bottle!!  I had to get it!  He's set for life!

We gave him a gas powered weed eater.  He has been lugging around lengthy extension cords with our electric weed eater and I knew he would love to have this baby!

Enjoy your last year in your 50's dear!

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