Too soon it was time for us to say good-bye to our daughter and family.
Take good care of Oreo, Claire!
Today, Claire called to tell me that Oreo accidently got thrown in the washing machine with the bedding! And he came out with curly hair!
At least he is clean!
The family came out for silly waves (our family tradition)

We choked back the tears off and on all day.
"Rust was plentiful on farms and because it killed fungi and mosses that might grow on barns, and it was very effective as a sealant. It turned the mixture red in color. When paint became more available, many people chose red paint for their barns in honor of tradition."
Then there was this white barn
...and this blue one! Yay for Culvers! Ever eaten at a Culvers?! Oh yum! Perhaps these folks who own this bar supply milk for their frozen yogurts and beef for the hamburgers and cheese too?
Leaving Wisconsin
At one point, we realized we were VERY near to empty! We hadn't been paying attention. We bit our nails for awhile until we finally pulled into a gas station!
Love Flint Hill country!
We got home just as the sun was setting. We could tell immediately that something had changed in our neighborhood while we were gone. The next morning we went to check it out. All the trees in our field south of us had been pulled out. Our kite-flying field was being renovated!

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