Hannah's room became Sophia's. It was painted a mint green.

Even Claire helped!
By the end of the day, it was finished!
The next day, Sophia's room became Hannah's. Hannah chose a gray steel.
When Claire got bored with painting, she had her toys to play with. From the first, we've asked Claire if she wouldn't like to paint her room pink. But no, she likes the green.
Jill also did some re-decorating.
The big excitement was the baby doves on the porch that were getting ready to fly off and leave the nest! The doves had made a nest in the hanging ferns on the porch.
"Fly, babies, fly! You can do this! Every bird does!"
In between painting and bird watching, we took Claire to swimming lessons and the park.
She was the youngest in her group, and learned so much! Her turn to jump in!
We ate at Gilles Frozen Custard.
Adam came over his lunch hour and joined us.
A quick shopping trip.
The older two are taking stringed instrument lessons and played some for us. Hannah's teacher is a Mrs. Schroeder. A very Mennonite name! They will have to play the "Mennonite Game" and figure out some connections!
Outdoor grilling
A little rest after a couple hard days' labor
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