After the beautiful drive along the coast, we turned north. See the dotted lines? That means it is supposed to be a scenic drive. This was the Louisiana Scenic Route.
Most of the roads we went on were 2 lane.
The countryside was so pretty!
The countryside was so pretty!

We found a car wash to wash off the ocean salt.
I find driving through little towns so interesting. I wonder who lives in these towns and what kinds of jobs they might have.
Below: Old Cemetery Inn - no thanks.
At this town, I asked Al to stop. I wanted to see what this was.
History - not a good time, but history, no less.
A tour bus was also on this road.
There were signs for many plantations along the way, but we did not have time to stop and visit. Al needed to get back to work. When he is retired, perhaps. I did visit a plantation once and it just breaks one's heart to see the slave quarters. I cannot even imagine owning another person. How?
Pit stop
I asked the lady in at the information desk why we saw so many homes flying American flags. Was there a special holiday? No, just being patriotic!
As they were driving through Nashville, Jill's texted:
We saw Carry Underwood in a car. She wasn't the one driving. Jesus had taken the wheel.
The kids sent photos of their drive home to Wisconsin and Arkansas.
See the tubs Jill uses for the kids to put their food in or crafts too.
Passing time making a tent out of foil. Ha!
The girls were watching a movie and a song came on with the words "try everything". Adam said, "That's not true. There are some things you shouldn't try." Teachable moments. The older girls began to list things you shouldn't try. And 6 year old Claire had to add one too. "Yea, like fighting bears!" True, Claire!
Speaking of bears.....?!!? That would have been interesting to see. And, Claire, I would not even try to fight one!
Emeri and Eli
There were Dollar Generals in every little town!
And churches everywhere! Many styles.
This church was having a party.
This was interesting. Wonder what it is?
There really is a town by this name!
There were lots of rice fields in Mississippi and Louisiana .
crop duster
Mad? He seems to be pretty happy to me.
Arkansas welcome center
My friend Sarah texted me to let me know that there were storms along the way and we should keep our eyes open on the drive home. It changed the route we had planned to return on.
It got pretty gusty with torrential rain.
When we got home, our plants were well taken care of by Sarah's son. He does such a good job!
We enjoy those roads less traveled. You see things you would not see if you flew by on an interstate highway. It is slower for sure. You get to see places you'd otherwise miss. And meet people as you stop to take a break. The Christian life is like this. It is traveling the "narrow" road. The way most people don't want to take.
Jesus in his sermon on the mount preached that, “…wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Mt 7:13,14 The road which leads to eternal life is a difficult road that few are even willing to try.
"Road Less Traveled" by Al Denson
To follow what you've never seen isn't easy
Guess it all comes down to a matter of faithMy destination is where Jesus leads me
Where ever He's going
I'm gonna walk that way
Not gonna follow the masses down the path that's wide
Don't wanna bear my regret on the other side
The road less traveled is no easy street
But it leads to a place where faith and glory meet
It carries the sinner to the mercy seat
I wanna feel the road less traveled beneath my feet
Sometimes I go for miles without a sign
Wondering how far it is I've got to go
With nothing but a promise, I take it in stride
"Cause you gotta believe to walk this road
Not gonna follow the masses down a path that's wide
Don't wanna bear my regret on the other side
I want a heart of hope
Feet of faith
The will to keep walkin'
Come what may
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