It was the day for me to begin heading back to Kansas - of course, in my own way, wherever the road would take! I said my good-bye to Hannah early as she had to be at school at 7 for a forensics meet. Sophia left for cello lessons so I gave her my good-byes too. Both of these girls are taller than I am now!
Good-byes to my youngest granddaughter.
Silly waves to keep tears at bay.
As I was leaving town, I saw a a sandhill crane! But there was too much traffic for me to pull over and get a picture. Here is one I found on-line. I wasn't able to go to Nebraska for the sandhill crane migration this year, due to the flooding, but I got to see one here!
I took 151 to Sun Prairie and got off for coffee.
I turned north at Sun Prairie and caught Highway 19 going west - I don't have to go through Madison this way. And 19 took me through the ONLY Waunakee in the world! The village was named as #78 in CNN Money's "Top 100 Best Places to Live" for small towns in 2009.
Couldn't resist stopping at this shop!

Continuing west on 19, I came upon some beautiful scenery and pulled over at Indian Lake Park
If only I'd had time to take a hike. There were quite a few cars parked there so several people were on the various hiking paths.
I drove across the road to see this old farmstead.
My friend Sheryl was a Matz. Wonder if these are any relation? I texted her and she said she had a Friedrich Matz in her family tree but during this time period, he was still in the old country.
Highway 14 turned into highway 19 and followed the Wisconsin River.
Maybe I should continue on.....oh wait! There's a historical marker! I have to pull off to see this.
The adventure continues...
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