Recently we were able to see our Arkansas kids 3 weekends in a row!! It is a 5 1/2 hour drive to their home, so this is quite unusual. Well, it has never happened before.
The first weekend we drove out there, it was because our granddaughter was in a school play and of course we wanted to see that!
On the way to Arkansas, we were driving by a cemetary and I had to have a double look.
When we got to our son's home, Eli showed me some deer in their back yard.
Josh showed us a zoom-type alumni worship team he was a part of for John Brown University.
A nuthatch at Dan's feeder. I don't have these in our back yard so am delighted to see them here!

Emeri on the phone asking someone "Is your refrigerator running?.....You better go catch it!" I had to laugh because I had pulled the exact same stunt on my algebra teacher in Japan, Mr. Inouye.
Eli was busy with his carving hobby.
It was time for us to head back to Kansas as Al had to work the next day. We took pictures with the "star" of the show
and with her brother too.
The following weekend, Josh's family went to Colorado so they stopped in to say hi and to grab a bite to eat. They stretched their muscles because they had another 8 hour trip ahead of them! It was good to see them for a little any way.
We would see them the following week when we would be driving back to Arkansas for Emeri and Elijah's birthdays! To be continued....
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