My mother's siblings were not able to see one another very often. Aunt Treva, the oldest, was a missionary midwife in Mali, Africa with Gospel Missionary Union. My parents were missionaries with General Conference Mennonite Missions. Uncle Wally's were missionaries with TEAM. The furloughs did not match up together very often. Aunt Wava's lived in Minnesota and Uncle Mahlon's in Ohio. I believe in the picture below, it was the first time in 18 years they had all been together!
Here are some cousin photos.
We three are the same age.
Me, Craig and Reva Jo today
Furlough of 1962
Then in 1968
And today, minus my brothers
(We tried to line up like the photo above)
1974, I believe (oh the styles!!)
Uncle Mahlon (the hairy one-ha!) was the last sibling to pass away.
What a sweet service! The family held the burial first.
The funeral was held at the St. John Mennonite Church.
Uncle Mahlon made many overseas missions trips.
In this picture, you can see the ceiling. He did all of that! Troy was with him.
Really, doesn't die. Just relocates!
I stopped at the farm to say good-bye
and pick up some delicious Suder apple cider!
Before getting on the road, I made a stop at Bluffton College to drop off and donate a translated copy of my great-grandfather, P.B.Amstutz's travels to Europe and the Middle East in 1914.
I had copied the original from the library a few years past.
It was in Swiss-German and I found someone to translate it into English.

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