Our son-in-law was the guest speaker on Sunday morning at our church while they were here for our Christmas celebration.

He spoke on Forgiveness. It was really good. I noticed people wiping away tears at the end, even some men. If you'd like to watch it, check it out. He starts at the 29 minute mark, but you could worship along with the worship team too!
Some people take sitting with their families at church each Sunday for granted. The LORD has a different journey for our family. And for us it is such a sweet privilege that does not happen very often.
After church, we went to Braum's for lunch.
This is regular Al, expounding on things, and it usually involves hand movements! Check out Adam and Jill. They are intently listening. Josh seems more interested in his food, or maybe figuring out a rebuttal.
Time for ice-cream!
I think Nehemiah enjoyed it. They don't have Braum's in Illinois or Wisconsin.
After we were finished, we told the kids to gather in the lobby. We explained that they would be divided into 2 teams. Josh would be on one team, and Jill on the other. They did "schoolyard pick", choosing their teams.
We handed out a scavenger hunt and explained the rules. They would need to drive around town and take a selfie of the team at the location.
The teams talked strategy.
Train and cannon at the public library.
This team got it all in one shot.
Phil Epp Blue Skies - (I LOVE his blue cloud paintings!)
Neither team got the water tower as instructed.
Papa's great-grandma Mary Graber's log house is inside the Kaufman museum. They got extra credit getting the picture of the house.
Didn't quite get the house in this picture.
One of the places Nana goes bird-watching in North Newton.
Mennonite settler

Road Kill
(they'd seen it on our way to church that morning)
The pharmacy
Victorian house (Warkentin House)
Location of processing Turkey Red Wheat
I meant for them to get a photo of the old mill. But they got the sign of the location.
The funny thing was that Josh's took a photo in front of Prairie Harvest. I think they do grind some wheat, although that wasn't what I was after.
Bread Basket
Where the DQ used to be. Oh, if it were only still there! Sadness.
There is nothing like a dip cone!
We love ice-cream!
Train Station
Jill's team got the railroad in the picture, but did not pose like it was a hot day in front of the fountain.
Our children went there many times when growing up!
This picture gets both Prairie Harvest AND Drubers in one shot.
Sunflower mural - This is a new mural and Jill's team looked it up on-line.
Sunflower mural - This is a new mural and Jill's team looked it up on-line.
Josh's team came across it accidently after leaving the library, where the cannon and train were.

Who won? Well, Jill's team came home first, but they didn't get the photo of great-grandma's house, or the picture at the fountain. So we decided they
The loser was going to have to do the dishes, and it was a LOT of dishes, because we did sukiyaki! It would have been even more dishes to wash, except we've Americanized this dish and put the sukiyaki on top of the rice. The kids just prefer it that way. But it still took a long time to do them. Several helped wash and dry.
Sukiyaki !
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