Love the Lord your God, listen to His voice and hold fast to Him, for the Lord is your life! Deut. 30:20

Friday, February 7, 2025

Finally celebrating Christmas in Colorado

Because Mindy's girls were sick over our Christmas time with the family, they were not able to come to Kansas last month.  Now we were taking Christmas to them.

We left around lunch time so Al could work in the morning.  It is a long drive, so we listen to various things on the way.  60's music is fun!  Brought back our dating years.

We listened to a couple of sermons that were interesting.  We heard a story about a man who was demon possessed and on death row in a prison for murders he committed.  His cell was filthy, filled with roaches, feces.... A man visited him (wasn't sure he wanted to but was compelled to) and told him about Jesus.  The man accepted Christ as the One who could save him from eternal punishment. The next time he visited him, the cell was all clean.  The man had cleaned it himself! These 2 men visited regularly and read the Bible together. This prisoner learned what it meant to be a Jesus follower.  He knew he'd have to pay for his consequences but he was really free.  Free from Satan's clutches!  God is Personal!  God is Powerful!  He transforms people!

We also heard someone talk about how we like to have control of our own lives.  Me-ology, not theology.  People want to be their own god and don't want listen or follow Christ.

We got to Denver after dark.  The girls ran out screaming and wanted hugs and kisses!!  We unloaded all the Christmas presents. Some of these presents were from the gift exchange from cousins and siblings.  We did Christmas first thing, since Jason was going to leave in the morning.   Stockings were opened first.

Tenley loved her music box from her cousin Claire.

I found this bird feeder for Mindy and Jason that had a KU license plate for the roof. 

One of my favorite gifts to give was this one for Tenley.  
It looks just like her!

I'd given Kaia a personalized book for her birthday and Tenley expressed that she would like her own book also.  They are pretty neat!

We loved reading books to the girls while we were there.

I probably read "The Monster at the End of the Book" at least 20 times.

Good-bye, Daddy!  Jason went to California to golf with his buddies.

He was having fun, but we were too!  Next post...

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

A near accident on way home; Davidic artifacts

 We went to early service at Josh's church as we needed to get left early for home.  Josh happened to be on keys that morning.

His church is starting a new series in Colossians.  Which is interesting because my Bible study also is starting a study in the same book!  It is such a great book of the Bible!  Filled with treasures - I could in no way pick out a favorite verse.  If I were good at memorizing, I'd memorize the whole thing!

Josh put together the intro video to the book that precedes the sermon.  At Christmas, he had filmed our granddaughter, Hannah as the voiceover to this short clip.

We said our byes to Josh after church and instead of going straight home to Kansas, we took a detour to Edmond, OK to go see some archeological sites from the Davidic period of the Bible.

At Tulsa, we took 44 toward Oklahoma City.

Flags were at half-staff to honour the former President Jimmy Carter upon his death.

Oh, goodness.  Hopefully the people got out ok!

We had a near miss with a semi and the concrete barrier on the left.  The semi which was in the right lane suddenly came upon a vehicle that was traveling at a very slow speed.  It did have it's blinkers on, but at his speed, should have really been driving on the shoulder.  Either the semi would run those people over or try to squeeze in before us.  Well, the semi very suddenly pulled in our lane at the same time we were in the process of passing him!  Al slammed on the brakes while I screamed!  We had inches to spare as we were sandwiched between the concrete and semi. I think our guardian angels but have sucked in their breath!  Our hearts pumped fast for some time!  Whew!!  Thank You, Lord!  

Oklahoma red dirt

We followed Maps to this place, which was out in the country a bit.

3000 year old fabric.

The sun was setting by the time we got home.  Our streets are still ice-covered.  I don't believe our streets have been frozen this long in our 20 years we have lived at our home.  This week it is supposed to possibly reach high 40s, maybe 50s.  It should melt!

We are so grateful to the LORD for the safety in our travels this week!

Sunday, January 26, 2025

A few days in Arkansas, part 2

 Reggie was all dressed for the day when we went over in the morning.

Josh used us as models for a video clip he's doing for church.

Emeri made some bread.
Nothing like oven fresh bread!

Here is the recipe for the bread.

Emeri writes "This is the base recipe I use but the bread you ate was 1/2 whole wheat flour and just rosemary and sea salt and olive oil to top i've also made it before with sundried tomatoes and minced garlic on top with sun dried tomato oil and it was really good like that too."

Staci gave haircuts.

Al was pretty wooly!

Emeri left to go to a friend's home to get ready for the homecoming dance.  Josh and Al helped Eli put on a tie.

He looks snazzy!  The way he's eating (yesterday's post), he won't be able to fit into that suit next year!

We took Eli to the location where they were taking pictures. See those girls covered with blankets?  It was COLD!  Below freezing - "feels like" 15 degrees!

I do not know how these girls could pose like that!
I would have needed a coat, gloves and scarf!

It's sooooo cold!!

Emeri and her friends went to Uptown Kitchen to eat; Eli went to Olive Garden.  

And we went to Nara Ramen.

It was delicious and so filling!  A taste of "home" for me.  We went back to Josh's and chatted and enjoyed the dogs.  I grew up being so terrified of dogs but my granddogs have helped me overcome most of that fear!

I had brought a bin of Josh's drawings, cards, baby book, etc.  I don't know why I was storing it all this time.  We started going through it and had a good laugh!

He used to want to be a designer of tennis shoes.  That bin was full of drawings!

What a hoot!