"He (Jesus) put a child in the middle of the room. Then, cradling the little one in His arms, He said, 'Whoever embraces one of these children as I do embraces Me, and far more than Me - God who sent Me.'" Mark 9:36-37 The Message
I LOVE that!I am so happy for all the nursery workers who come each week to show Christ's love to the little ones!
What a great post! You do such a wonderful job as nursery director! We're so thankful for that because we know Luke is safe as well as loved. We also know he's being taught about Jesus -- in an 18-month appropriate way :) We're hoping Luke continues to get better so he can be there tomorrow. Great photos of the kiddos, by the way.
Precious photos. I say, "Thank you Lord for Debbie's giving, loving, nurturing heart!"
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